Wednesday, January 21, 2015

American University

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American University is a private liberal arts college located in the nation's capital, Washington, DC, USA. Research-based university founded in 1893, has gained recognition and a strong reputation in international relations, government, political science and journalism.

With such a broad part of the campus and the natural atmosphere is cool and beautiful, the university made some becoming a public park and an arboretum as designated by the American Public Gardens Association.

Through the school, including Kogod School of Business, School of Medicine, School of Communication, School of Public Affairs, College of Law, and the School of International Service, American University offers 61 bachelor's degrees and a number of interdisciplinary degrees, Including a BA in Communications, Legal Issues, Economics and Government (CLEG). In fact, one of the school, the School of International Service, which was established in 1958, is the largest school in the field of international affairs in the country of Uncle Sam.

In addition, the American University also offers a range of other community services, such as DC Reads, a tutoring organization in the which college students teach the DC public school students. Including also one of the best programs, namely WAMU, the on-campus NPR station, which get ranked as the best of the best in America.

As is generally the university with a tradition, American University also has a tradition which has always held every February. In this tradition, the American hosts a Founders Day Ball at a popular DC venue, for example, held at the National Museum of American History.

As one of the best institutions of higher education in America, it is no wonder if many of the alumni who also became famous figures and leading in the world. Already dozens of ambassadors and political leaders are graduates of the school, Including Sen. Robert Byrd and former Sec. of Health & Human Services, Donna Shalala.

From the field of sports, sports team American University which is known by the nickname the Eagles, competing with sports teams from other universities in the NCAA Division I athletics competition, which is also a member of the Patriot League.

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