Saturday, December 20, 2014

Seattle University

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Seattle University is a private Catholic university founded in 1891. The university is located in Seattle, Washington, United States. Through schools, including the School of Law, School of Theology and Ministry, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Nursing, College of Education, College of Science & Engineering, and the Albers School of Business and Economics, the university offers more than 64 undergraduate , 31 graduate and 28 certificate programs.

In addition to studying in the university campus, students can also attend a study abroad program offered by the university. And for the success of the study program, the university has established cooperation with several countries around the world, such as Austria, China, Denmark and Ghana.

Not only focus on education alone, the university also makes a strong commitment to community service, students and faculty Contribute year around 200,000 hours call now. In fact, according to a university official data, about 75% of students at the university is always engaged in the service. Where the figure far exceeds the national average, the 3 times as much. Not surprisingly, the 67,000 alumni of the university is spread to all 50 states and approximately 77 countries, to devote their expertise.

In addition, the university also showed high dedication to sustainability, the solar panels partially power two buildings, an on campus facility composts call now over 178 000 pounds a year and two community gardens allow students and faculty to grown reviews their own food. With all these activities, the university will reduce dependence on outsiders. In fact, it is expected the presence of all these activities, can provide benefits for students and the surrounding community.

And for students who have a talent in the field of sports and want mengembangkat this talent, can join the university sports teams. With mascot, nicknamed Rudy the Redhawk, the university sports teams compete with other participants in the competition Western Athletic Conference (WAC) at the NCAA Division I level.

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