Monday, December 22, 2014

Alfred University

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Alfred University is a private university founded in 1836. According to the story, the university and the founding of the university today was founded during the Middle Ages by King Alfred, king of England who have a commitment to education. The university is precisely located in Alfred, New York, United States, approximately 100 miles from Buffalo, New York.

Through the school, including the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Professional Studies, Inamori School of Engineering, and the Graduate School, the university offers a variety of programs jrusan fields of study, with various degrees ranging from undergraduate, graduate, masters, up to doctorate. Meanwhile, the education system in this university to apply two semesters. In addition, the university also offers courses Term Allen, a full half of online courses during the month-long winter break.

In addition to learning activities held on the university campus, students can also get the opportunity to study abroad. Where for Art & Design program students can study in England and Italy, while the engineering program students have opportunities in Europe, Japan and New Zealand. The success of the study abroad is also due to the sponsorship provided by the state to the university. There are some programs that get sponsors, programs in engineering, art and design.

According to a university official data, there were approximately thirty one states and 20 countries are represented in the student body, the which are Offered over 40 undergraduate majors, internships, research and study abroad opportunities. Thus, although the university is a private institution, but the government took part in supporting teaching and learning in this university.

In addition to stories about the early history of the founding of the university, there are other stories that are also associated with this university, namely the Black Knight, a plastered knight figurine. The story was about the beginning of 1907, where he was stolen by various sororities and fraternities until he disappeared in 1939 for 38 years. Then the Black Knight was placed in a glass case in the Powell Campus Center in 2005, but a student quickly intervening broke the glass and stole it in the middle of the night.

And for students who want to develop their talents and demonstrate achievements in the field of sports, can join the university sports teams, nicknamed Saxon. Because of this university sports teams participate in the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division III. In addition, because the university sports teams is also a member of the Empire 8 Athletic Conference (Empire 8).

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