Thursday, December 18, 2014

Florida State University

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Florida State University is a research university in the country that was founded in 1851. The university is located in Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Through 16 colleges, including education, business, law, music, nursing, engineering, information communication, social science and public policy, crime, criminology and justice, human sciences, as well as art and sciences, the university offers a variety of degree programs, ranging more than 275 undergraduate degree programs, graduate, doctoral, professional and specialist degree programs, Including medicine and law.

In addition to studying in the university campus, the university also provides study abroad programs, which the university has been cooperating with countries around the world, such as in London, Florence, Valencia and Panama City and some other places. According to a university official data, there were approximately 1,600 students per year who participate in this program.

The university has a responsibility as manager of one of the buildings on this campus, ie the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art. Because, in addition to being a place to keep the legacy of university collections, the museum has a relationship with one of the college courses, the art program. In addition, the museum is one of the riches university, because it is considered as one of the Largest museum / university complexes in America.

As a research university, this university is home to some of the most powerful magnets in this country at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. In fact, there is an accomplishment and pride for members of the laboratory at the university, as it has managed to create an anti-cancer drug, Taxol.

And to create a sense of brotherhood and togetherness relationship, Greek life on campus is very pronounced means, with about 56 fraternities and sororities on campus. Thus, in addition to studying, joined by various studies, students are also able to channel his talents in the organization by joining the association or organization which has been provided by the university.

And for students who feel they have the talent in the field of sports, and wanted to develop his talent and wants to show his achievements in the sport, can join the university sports teams. With mascot nicknamed the Seminoles, the university's sports teams compete with other participants in the competition the Atlantic Coast Conference. There is a pride for the university's sports teams, especially the men's baseball team and men's football team is the most successful team in the history of the school.

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