Wednesday, November 12, 2014

University of California Santa Barbara

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University of California Santa Barbara is a public research university that was founded in 1891. The university is, at the time of its inception just a college teacher, before entering / joining the University of California, in 1944. The university is located in Santa Barbara , California, United States.

Currently, the university offers a variety of degree programs, ranging from undergraduate, graduate, and master. Where there are approximately less than 200 majors courses, degrees and trust that can be taken by students who study here. Learning activities in the university is organized in five schools and the Graduate Division.

Here are five schools at this university, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, College of Creative Studies, Faculty of Engineering, College of Letters and Science, as well as the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management. In fact, the Koegel Autism Center in the Gevirtz School of Education is Regarded as one of the top treatment centers for Autism in the nation.

In addition, the university has the Largest amount of LEED-certified buildings in the UC system. The campus IS ALSO very green in terms of transportation-biking is one of the most popular ways to get around, and bicyclists have the right of way on campus.

Many achievements and awards that have been achieved by the members of this university. One of the proudest of them is there are currently five Nobel Laureates serving on the faculty.

Meanwhile, many important people and famous who are also members and alumnus of this university. Among them there are Michael Douglas, actor Academy Award Winner and Carol Greider, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine hearts.

Well, for students at this university who wish to distribute and develop talent in the field of sports, can join the university sports teams. Because, with the mascot named Gaucho, this university sports teams compete with other participants in the competition NCAA Division I Athletics.

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