Tuesday, April 21, 2015

University of Tulsa

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Hasil gambar untuk University of Tulsa

Profileuniversity.com - University of Tulsa is a private university founded in 1894 by the Presbyterian Church which is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States. The university was originally established as Henry Kendall College in 1882.

Through school and college, including Henry Kendall College of Arts & Sciences, Collins College of Business, College of Law, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Graduate School, and the Division of Continuing Education, University of Tulsa offers over 60 undergraduate programs, 31 graduate programs and 12 doctoral programs.

According to the university, one of ten students admitted are National Merit Scholars. In addition, many members of Tulsa that has won numerous prestigious awards and scholarships, including:

  •     59 Goldwater Scholarship
  •     54 National Science Foundation Graduate Scholarship
  •     9 Department of Defense Scholarship
  •     11 Truman Scholarship
  •     17 Fulbright Grant
  •     9 Morris K. Udall Scholarship
  •     11 Phi Phi Kappa Graduate Fellowships
  •     5 British Marshall Scholarship
  •     11 Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship
  •     3 USA Today All Stars
  •     2 James Madison Scholarship
  •     2 Rhodes Scholarship and 9 finalists
Of athletic activities in the university campus, the University of Tulsa has 18 varsity sports teams, nicknamed the "Golden Hurricane", which consists of a team of men and women who compete teams in Division I of the NCAA. From this athletic activity Tulsa sports teams have won six national championships, Including four in women's golf and two in men's basketball.

There are many traditions or annual events are regularly held students in Tulsa campus, and one of the oldest traditions on campus is the "Ringing of the Bell", which in the tradition of graduating seniors ring the Cupola bell after finishing their last exam.

Source: utulsa.edu/

Monday, April 20, 2015

Marquette University

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Hasil gambar untuk Marquette University
Profileuniversity.com - Marquette University is a Jesuit, private Catholic university located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. University which was founded in 1881 by John Martin Henni, first Bishop of Milwaukee was originally a school for boys, but since 1909 Marquette University accept female students for the first time. The university is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools

Through colleges and schools today, including Helen Way Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication, College of Business Administration, College of Nursing, College of Professional Studies, School of Dentistry, School of Law, Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering, Marquette University offers 84 majors and 79 minors and pre-professional programs in the field of dentistry, law and medicine.

As for the graduate degree program, Marquette University also offers about 60 doctoral and master's degree programs, 25 graduate certificate programs, and the School of Dentistry and the Faculty of Law. According to data from the university in the fall of 2012, students who study at Marquette University is estimated at more than 8,400 undergraduate and 3,300 graduate students and professionals; where all students, representing virtually every state and 70 countries.

Besides being a student academic center, Marquette University has also become home to 17,000 cubic feet of archival material, with over 11,000 volumes Including a number of JRR Tolkien's original manuscripts. Marquette University is the largest university in Wisconsin and is also one of the largest Jesuit universities in the United States.

Of athletic activities, Marquette University has several varsity sports teams are comprised of a team of men and women teams competing with sports teams from other universities in the NCAA Division I competition, with the mascot, dubbed the Golden Eagle.

Source: marquette.edu/

Sunday, April 19, 2015

California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo

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Hasil gambar untuk California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Profileuniversity.com - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo or also known as Cal Poly San Luis Obispo or Cal Poly is a public university located in San Luis Obispo, California, United States, exactly halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. University which was founded in 1901 originally as a vocational high school. Currently, California Polytechnic State University is one of the largest states in the nation Campuses.

Through six colleges held today, including the College of Science and Mathematics, Orfalea College of Business, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, and the College of Liberal Arts, Cal Poly offers more than 147 bachelor's degrees. In the fall of 2012, the engineering is the most popular and selective majors on campus, Followed by agriculture, food and environment sciences.

California Polytechnic State University stands on an area of ​​1321 hectares and still has an additional 8.357 acres of rolling campus in the north dedicated to student farming, architecture and other outdoor experimental laboratory studies. Cal Poly has also continued to experience a variety of campus construction projects as well as other recent innovations, including freshmen dormitory housing complex, which is projected to be completed in the fall of 2018. In addition, the academic center and library building project to begin in 2015.

The Poly "P", the icon that is built by students of the university, is one of the oldest hillside initials in the West and the leading symbol of pride for members of the university. Decorating the P to spell out messages, even for marriage proposals, is a long-standing tradition campus. The P was altered to the GOP in 1964, to POT in the 1970s and even Springsteen in the 1980s.

Of athletic activities, Cal Poly has several sports clubs consisting of a team of men and women's team that competed at the NCAA Division I athletics competition.

Source: calpoly.edu/

Saturday, April 18, 2015

University of Southern California

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Hasil gambar untuk University of Southern California
Profileuniversity.com - University of Southern California is a private research university located in Los Angeles, California, USA. The University was founded in 1880 and is the oldest private university in California. Since it was first established, the cost of tuition at the university is only $ 15 a term and students are not allowed to leave the city before getting permission from the university president.

Through college and school today, including Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Cinematic Arts, School of Architecture, Thornton School of Music, Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, Marshall School of Business, and the School of Law, University of Southern California offers a variety of majors studies with various academic degree programs in it.

University of Southern California is one of the university with very high research level as well as the most selective universities in the registration of students in the United States. Currently, an estimated 43,000 students are studying at this university and and almost 3,945 full-time faculty. One of the alumni of the University of Southern California who is very well known, the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong, received a master's degree in 1970.

Of athletic activities, sports teams of University of Southern California compete in NCAA Division I athletics competition, the mascot nicknamed the Trojans, who heroically rides into all home football games on Traveler, his noble white horse, one of the most famous mascots live in collegiate sports.

Many achievements and awards that have been achieved by this university. University of Southern California has sent more athletes-students to compete in the Olympics in comparison with other universities around the world. And recorded since 1912, University of Southern California is the only university in the world that has a student-athlete winning a gold medal in every summer Olympics.

Source: usc.edu/

Friday, April 17, 2015

John Carroll University

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John Carroll University
Profileuniversity.com - John Carroll University is a coeducational, a private Catholic university located in University Heights, Ohio, United States, about 10 miles from Cleveland. University founded in 1886 is one of 28 Jesuit universities in the country.

There are about 26 buildings on this campus that sits on 60 acres near the shores of Lake Erie, one of which is the Dolan Center for Science and Technology, the home department of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science, and psychology, and supports the initiative to improve K-12 education and encourage technology start-ups in northeast Ohio. Selian it, JCU is also home to the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Museum of Art, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.

Through college and school, JCU offers courses in liberal arts, science, and business undergraduate degree programs and in some courses for the master's degree program. And academically, JCU is composed of the College of Arts and Sciences and the John M. and Mary Jo Boler School of Business, which both include a graduate program. Through both these schools, students can choose from more than 60 degrees field has to offer. Each participant is awarded a $ 30,000 fellowship and admission into a master's of education degree programs.

JCU serves as one of seven locations in Ohio are differentiated according to Woodrow Wilson Ohio Teaching Fellowship, which is designed to attract talented individuals and are committed with a background in STEM fields; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, in higher secondary school teaching needs.

More than two-thirds of the students studying at JCU actively involved in various community service activities each semester. And according to information the university, almost 60% of the graduates choose to stay in Ohio after they graduate. While the athletic activities, JCU sports teams are known as the blue and gold "Blue Streaks", compete in the NCAA Division III athletics competition

Source: sites.jcu.edu/

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Butler University

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Hasil gambar untuk Butler University
Profileuniversity.com - Butler University is a private liberal arts university located in a historic neighborhood in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, about 5 miles from downtown Indianapolis or about 20 miles from Indianapolis International Airport. The university was founded in 1855 and named after its founder, Ovid Butler.

Through six academic colleges, including the College of Business, College of Communication, College of Education, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and the Jordan College of the Arts, Butler University offers more than 65 majors of study, and with about 18 master's programs. In addition, there are pre-professional programs also like engineering, law, medicine and veterinary medicine.

In addition to providing a wide range of academic activities in the university campus, Butler also offers some 110 programs of study abroad for students in more than 70 countries worldwide. And since 1915, Butler has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Students can also join and get involved into various organizations and sororities on the campus of the university. There are more than 150 student organizations on campus Butler. According to data from the university, about 94% of the students involved in campus activities as well as more than 35% of students participate in Greek life. All students are studying in this university engage in community service as part of the University's Indianapolis Community Requirement.

With an area of ​​campus that reaches approximately 295 acres, the university has designed some parts of campus locations to look beautiful as a leisure park, which includes the 20-acre gardens and the Dawghouse Holcomb, the which houses a convenience store, career resource and computer lab, laundry facilities and game room. And in the Butler campus there is a building that became the pride of the university, Butler's Holcomb Observatory, one of the largest public observatories in the world, which is also the home of the largest telescope in the state.

While the athletic activities, Butler University has 19 sports clubs compete in NCAA Division I competition-AA athletics, which is known as the Bulldogs. While mascot nicknamed Blue III (also known as the trip), the live English bulldog has been the mascot since December 2000. In addition, students can also join the 14 club intramural sports.

Source: butler.edu/

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

George Mason University

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Hasil gambar untuk George Mason University
Profileuniversity.com - George Mason University is a public research university with its main campus located in Fairfax, Virginia, United States and with several campuses located around the outskirts of Washington, DC. At first established, this university is a branch of the University of Virginia in 1957 and since 1972 has turned into an independent institution itself. Since the transformation, George Mason University has become one of the largest university in Virginia.

With faculty and school-owned, including the School of Business, School of Law, School of Public Policy, School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism, College of Science, and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, George Mason University offers a wide range of majors courses with a variety of academic degrees in it.

The George Mason forensics program and debate team is a program provided by the academic departments in this university that has consistently get the best ranking among the top teams in the country.

One warehouse and a source of knowledge in this university, Fenwick Library, is currently undergoing renovation in order to provide the best service to the students by adding facilities that use more modern technology, including an installment of a naturally irrigated rooftop garden. The project expected to be completed and ready to use with either the 2015's.

One of the iconic buildings and also a pride in the university campus, the George Mason statue, many associated with a variety of activities and traditions of the university, for example, students will rub the feet of the statue in order to have good luck in the exam. In addition, associations and student organizations at the university campus will decorate to promote the event to be held.

Many achievements and awards that have been achieved by members of the George Mason University, including two George Mason faculty members have won the Nobel Prize in economics, and the alumni include former heads of both the US Treasury and the SEC.

Of athletic activities, the university has provided various facilities and infrastructure so that the students can develop their talents and hobbies in the exercise. Supported by various factors such support, George Mason University sports teams strive to be the best in the competition NCAA Division I.

Source: gmu.edu/

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Saint John's University-Minnesota

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College of Saint Benedict dan Universitas Saint John
Saint John's University is a Catholic liberal arts college in collaboration with the College of Saint Benedict to provide special education for male students. University which is located in Collegeville, Minnesota was founded in 1857 and affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. Saint John's University is one of the oldest higher education institution in the Midwest.

Conveniently campus that reaches approximately 2,700 acres, consisting of wetlands, several lakes, savannahs ex, grasslands restored, as well as a variety of other natural beauty, Saint John's University offers a beautiful landscape with a variety of recreational areas for both students and the surrounding community.

Through its academic departments, Saint John's University offers degrees in fine arts, humanities, natural science, social science and interdisciplinary and pre-professional programs. According to the university, Nearly 20% of graduates Go directly to graduate school and 80% find career-related positions or enter service work upon graduating.

And through a residential program for four years, almost all of the students who study at the university chose to stay at the university campus. Faculty Resident Program is one of the characteristics of life on a university campus where the Benedictine professors and administrators to stay in residential areas and act as an adult advisor.

One of the existing buildings on the university campus, the Abbey Church, one of the 10 campus buildings designed by Marcel Breuer, with a towering bell and the three-story wall of stained glass, making the Abbey Church as one of the most striking part of the architecture of the 20th century. In addition, Saint John's University is also home to the famous Saint John's Bible, the first handwritten, illuminated Bible commissioned in the Western world in more than 500 years.

Of non-academic activities, in particular athletic activity on the university campus, Saint John's University has a university sports teams are known as the Johnnies, who compete in 13 varsity sports teams at the NCAA Division III athletics. Johnnies also participated in the league intramural and club sports teams

Football program at this university is the best among other programs, because it has the best winning percentage in NCAA Division III history and has won 29 conference titles and four national championships MIAC. And one former college football head coach, John Gagliardi, the first active coach inducted in the College Football Hall of Fame.

Source: csbsju.edu/

Monday, April 13, 2015

University of San Diego

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Hasil gambar untuk University of San Diego
Profileuniversity.com - University of San Diego is a private Roman Catholic university located in San Diego, California, United States. The University was founded in 1949 with the unique characteristics of the building with the Spanish Renaissance architecture in the 16th century overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Through college and school, including the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Law, School of Business Administration, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering, Hahn School of Nursing and Health Sciences, and the Joan B. Kroc School of Studies Peace, University of San Diego offers 42 bachelor's degrees with a variety of concentrations and 50 minors. And recently, the university has set up a student-run electronics waste collection center, the first of its kind on a college campus

There was a celebration or festival organized by members of the university for a full week, namely the USD Changemaker Fest, a celebration at a university campus that promotes entrepreneurship, collaboration and innovation for social change towards a more positive.

Of non-academic activities of the campus, especially athletics, University of San Diego has 23 varsity sports club and 17 NCAA Division I teams, which consist of a team of men and women's teams are known as the mascot, dubbed the Torero. They mainly compete in the West Coast Conference. And in every game played by the team USD, the fans will sing "olé, olé, olé, olé!".

Source: sandiego.edu/

Sunday, April 12, 2015

University of Oklahoma, Norman

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The University of Oklahoma
Profileuniversity.com - University of Oklahoma, Norman is a public research university founded in 1890. The university is located in Norman, Oklahoma, United States. According to the Carnegie Foundation, the university is classified as a research university with a very high level. University of Oklahoma, Norman also has a satellite campus located in Oklahoma City, the OU Health Sciences Center

Through 20 colleges and schools, including the College of Arts & Sciences, College of Education, College of Liberal Studies, College of Law, Price College of Business, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Engineering, and the College of Architecture and Atmospheric and Geography, Earth and Energy, University of Oklahoma, Norman offer more than 150 majors at the undergraduate level, 160 master's degrees, and 80 degrees at the doctoral and doctoral level professionals.

In addition to academic activities, students can also join in a variety of non-academic activities through student organizations and associations in the university campus, one of the Pride of Oklahoma, university marching band club which has more than 300 members, the which has its origins in an early 1900s OU pep band.

While the athletic activities, the University of Oklahoma, Norman has a sports team consisting of a team of men and women's teams are known as the Sooners, who compete in NCAA Division I athletics competitions. Their nickname, the Sooners, in reference to the pioneering settlers who rushed into the state before the official start of the government-sanctioned Land Run of 1889.

One of the sports club that has won many achievements is the football team. And this from a football game, the audience will be treated to the Sooner Schooner, a covered wagon drawn by two horses across the football field before the game starts.

Source: ou.edu/web

Saturday, April 11, 2015

University of Wyoming

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Hasil gambar untuk University of Wyoming
Profileuniversity.com - University of Wyoming is a public research university located at an altitude of 7,220 feet (2,194 m), between Laramie and Snowy Range Mountains, Wyoming, USA. Although the university was officially founded in 1886, but the first time opened its doors to a class of 42 students in 1887.

Through eight colleges and schools, including the College of Business, College of Education, College of Science, College of Law, and the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Wyoming offers more than 190 fields of study to the students. It is estimated that students who are studying in this university came from all 50 states and over 90 countries around the world.

In addition to providing a wide range of academic activities, the University of Wyoming also provides a wide range of non-academic activities through the organization and sororities. There are more than 200 student organizations on campus Wyoming.

There are two buildings on the campus of Wyoming are very important for students and residents around for storing valuable collections, namely the University of Wyoming Art Museum and Geological Museum. The University of Wyoming Art Museum features more than 8,000 objects and the school's Geological Museum includes a 75-foot Brontosaurus skeleton.

As one of the higher education institutions renowned in the United States and the world, the University of Wyoming has delivered many famous figures and leading in the world, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, head of Coca-Cola's Greater China and Korea Business Unit David Brooks and late Los Angeles Lakers owner Jerry Buss majority.

One of the non-academic activities that attracted many students are athletic activities. University of Wyoming has a university sports team consisting of a team of men and women who are known as the Wyoming Cowboys and Cowgirls, who participated in the Mountain West Conference competition at the NCAA Division I level.

There is a history of the official colors of the University of Wyoming who date back to late 1895 the alumni banquet. Attendees were so enamored with the decorative Brown-Eyed Susans that they chose brown and gold as the official school colors.

Source: unyo.edu/

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Rutgers University-New Brunswick

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Hasil gambar untuk rutgers university new brunswick
Profileuniversity.com - Rutgers University-New Brunswick is a public research university founded in 1766 as Queen's College. The University has five campuses mainstay and which mainly located in New Brunswick-Piscataway, New Jersey, United States. Rutgers University is the oldest higher education institution to eight in the United States and one of the nine "colonial colleges" founded before the American Revolution.

Through 18 schools and colleges, including the School of Arts and Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, School of Communication, School of Engineering, School of Management and Labor Relations, School of Social Work, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers Business School, and the College of Nursing, Rutgers-New Brunswick offer more than 100 undergraduate degrees.

In addition to learning in the university campus, Rutgers also offers an opportunity for students to participate in a study abroad program. And for the success of the study abroad program, the university has formed a partnership with more than 30 countries around the world.

According to the university, students who study at Rutgers University-New Brunswick come from all 21 counties in New Jersey, all 50 states and over 125 countries. And prominent alumni who have been generated by this university include Ford Motor Co. CEO Mark Fields, the Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman and former NBA Commissioner David Stern.

Students can join the more than 400 student Organizations, including over 80 fraternities and sororities and 54 club sports. The sports club is one of the non-academic activities are most in demand by Rutgers students. Rutgers' varsity sports teams, known as the Scarlet Knights, Compete in NCAA Division I athletics and recently moved to the Big Ten Conference.

And of these athletic activities, Rutgers-New Brunswick campus became the birthplace of college football. Where in 1869, a team of Rutgers and Princeton played the first game of Intercollegiate football, which was won by a team of Rutgers, by the way.

Source: rutgers.edu/